Monty: Matching Mentors and Mentees with Chatbots
Initiated within Walmart in 2018, this project started with a pilot group of 5,000 members & later expanded to include 35,000 home office associates. It focused on collaborating with Microsoft to develop an algorithm and chatbot facilitating mentor-mentee matches within the company.
My Role:
As the leader of the UX research and design team, I spearheaded various aspects of the project, including user research, design sprints, wireframe development, pilot testing, and language UI development.
The resulting prototype showcased the culmination of our collaboration, offering a robust algorithm-driven chatbot tailored to Walmart's needs. By seamlessly connecting mentors with mentees, the platform not only streamlined internal mentorship processes but also fostered a culture of growth and development within the organization.
Key Takeaways:
Designing for accessibility has to start with the very idea of the product, not as an afterthought.
Data quality determines how 'smart' your system is - trash in means trash out.
Increased match selection for HR program by 66%
Product announced in 2019 SXSW talk from Walmart Chief Diversity Officer (B. Hasan)